Thursday, September 27, 2007


We all realized something was very wrong when the Coalition Provisional Authority, headed by Dr. Ayad Allawi, was put in charge of Iraq interim governance. While Dr. Allawi is a distinguished medical professional, and author, his association with SCIRI, (Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution, a political resistance party to Saddam Hussein, founded in Tehran, in 1982), rang bells for me.

Besides ignoring all the International Occupation laws, and which if implemented, would have prevented most of the strife currently ongoing in Iraq, the US commanded military force proceeded to systematically identify and label Suni resistance, as 'terrorist' activity, or 'al qaeda', and a campaign of extermination was implemented.

The Shi'i led government, either by appointment or by faux election, Maliki, has been supported by the militia groups, known for their alliance with Iran, and now conducting a proxy war against the Iraqi secular community.

The US troops have been put in the egregious position of now protecting Iraqis from the US supported Shi'i fundamentalism which is waging the assault on secularism, mirroring the American fundamentalism and their war on secularism.

The US troops are understandably confused, many of them facing their own belief structures as the enemy, and the unquestionable conflict of protecting Iraqis from the effects of the Commander' s policies, they were sworn to obey.

The numbers of clinically traumatized troops returning to their homes, is unparalleled by any previous foreign military campaign, combined with the survival rates and closed head traumas from constant bomb concussions, the US faces rehabilitation needs that it is not capable of providing .

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