Friday, May 11, 2007


It is about ignorance. In a perfect world, Opinions, debates, diversity.... happen freely when people start from the same basic information, launch from the same page. >>> Fact: the earth rotates; Debate: what does it mean.

Our political paradigm is stunningly geared to entertain the ignorant masses, while the real theft and oppression occurs. This may be an elementary understanding that all people think they are aware of, but they fail to finish the thought. Our politicians didn't drop from Mars, they come from the American people... Political parties are the people, just as the politicians are. If politics is dirty, then so are the American people.

It is business 101. What do people demand? You provide the goods. For example, the American right wing, replacing the traditional GOP, is a huge body of Americans who have reached the level of cultism, in the clinical frame. If you have a growing body demanding products that meet their delusional beliefs and needs, then you have a delusional government. The standard rules or norms of social conduct, suddenly shift, justifying the aberrant values

It's not about gun control, abortion, god, gays, and the 2nd coming.... but that is what 50million Americans believe it's about. Blaming AI PAC or whomever, for example, only validates the presence of the ignorance that powerful money can exploit. Don't blame AI PAC, blame ignorance. If people were informed, then no exploitation would occur.

Racial hatreds and fears are taught, conditioned and reinforced because that has become a self fulfilling product sold to a demanding constituency. Freed slaves were just about the scariest thing to some people, and instead of grabbing these boys and sitting them down for some education 101, they let them form a constitutional reconstruction lynch mob eventually called the KKK, that had grown into a political paradigm.

The slaughter of the American Indian, or any group of people "native" to a land where powerful conquering tribes land, is a course of history, and again, ignorance is the culprit. It is natural for the human being in societies who use their power to conquer lessor powerful people. And when these more powerful groups reflect back, they see the victims as subhuman, its a natural human event. It shows lack of emotional evolution.

Societies simply haven't learned how to introduce this concept of compassion as a marketable product. It's not profitable.

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