Tuesday, February 26, 2008


It is hard to keep score with the massive hype and push for 'feel good', when the issues facing Americans are far from 'good'.

Facing both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the faces of Americans who have been sent to the limits of their tolerance with demands to accept florid delusions as normal, popularized reality, economic chaos, and a sense of powerlessness that the general public feels, but can't quite put their finger on.

Finding comfort zones, in the rhetoric fed to the masses by the popular media, provides some structure for thoughts and emotions, otherwise too wandering to corral

The impacts of the over arching and over reaching power of the GOP held hostage by the extremist right wing, for over 20 years, with a self destructive responsiveness from the left wing, are obvious, evident, if you know what you are looking at.

To fully appreciate the nation's apparent responses to both Obama and Clinton, one can look at the nation's historic 'American Revolution' and events that followed.

The current state of affairs did not start with GWBUSH, nor the Right Wing's rise to power, nor from a Democratic Party Minority holder's deficits. The failure of the Americans to stay vigilant against the rise of an Oligarchy, that the early states and the founders feared as they transitioned from Articles of Confederation to the US Constitution.

Americans traded liberty for conveniences, and freedom for comforts, eventually arriving at a sense of feeling pride and 'priviledged' for spending slave wages on new products of industrialization. This was and is, defined as "Freedom".

Americans were handed one expectation in daily activity: to become a prime consumer

The Americans can identify generally, the dangers posed to the nation by a right wing who has now officially identified themselves as the 'Evangelical Christian Party',(Conservative) for short vs the Republican Party.

Americans fail, however, in seeing the destruction from the inadequate response to same, when it rises to power as it has done. One might be inclined to summarize that ignorance of relevant subject matter is to blame, yet, looking to the Washington Government as a the source of repair and healing, is also a core element of the ills facing the nation.

While there are many subject specific experts in America, generally, most Americans are ignorant about current events, political science, economics, that are required to totally understand the total relevance or significance of what they hear, or read about in the course of a normal day. This deficit is the void filled by beliefs that can now fit the delusional category, or at least, political hallucination.

Thoughts and beliefs are a natural human right, widely promoted as part of an acceptance of diversity package, in the US. However, when talking about concepts of Liberty, the question has always been, how much liberty to stop your liberty from hurting me, does one have?

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