Sunday, January 29, 2006

New American Value

I will hammer this most likely until I am dead: the system, the system, the system, the paradigm, the social perceptions of the system, MUST change.  When you change the bed sheets, and put clean sheets on the bed, and then go to bed covered in mud, the bed sheets are no longer clean.  .  
1.   No to incumbents, or credential the ones we have.  
A.  They must dump their corporate stocks and roll the money over to state owned retirement funds.
2.  They must subject themselves to background checks. (Results private and confidential and general statements made about pass or fail)
3.  They must lower their salaries to working wages equal to the 60 days a year that they work, retirements congruent with that and subject to the same federal pension insurance that corporate workers are now getting bilked over, the federal pension program and federal pension insurance will be protected and corporate accountability for pensions will not be undermined)
4.  Congress spouses will not be covered with salaries
5.  Eliminate the private campaign finance totally.   Federal allowance only will be allowed.  Same for all candidates. When they spend the allowance, it's gone, and it is not contingent on how much they have in the bank, or not.  A poor person can run for congress.   A person who rents an apartment can run for congress, a laborer can run for congress, a non-vet can run for congress, a non-lawyer can run for congress.
6.  Eliminate the lobbyist totally.   Make true the republic, for which it stands...  anyone who talks to congress can do so without having to buy the congressman.  They can sign petitions.  They can organize in groups and organize the requests.  But they cannot buy a service worker who is paid to take their requests to congress. 
7.  Congress cannot accept a dinner, a flower, a trip, a cookie from any citizen who they represent.   Just like the health care worker, cannot accept anything construed as a gift from a patient, unless it is addressed to the whole unit staff.  A box of candy to the nurse’s station.  But neither a patient nor a family can take that nurse to dinner without the nurse losing her license.
8.  Automatic term limits.
9.  One vote one person, eliminate the Electoral College, for presidency
And you eliminate the fight over electoral geographic and make true the democracy.
10.  Create a citizen's commission for oversight of the congressional checkbook.  Plant it within the General Accounting Office.
11.  Eliminate the Federal Reserve and put the power of the currency back into gold standard.  Eliminate the central bank. 
12.  States sovereignty should be states own revenue generation and states singularly should contribute to the federal treasury in one lump sum.  People pay the state treasurers.  Not the federal government. The state then pays the federal treasury.  People control their state.   And if the state is unhappy with the congressional budget decisions, then the state does not pay their monthly dues.   Tax resistance without the dangers to individuals.  States punish the ones who don’t pay. Not federal government.
13.  Eliminate the revolving door
A.   No board positions, think tank, no lobby (eliminated) positions within one-year pre or post congressional seat...
Economic Revolution:
1.   Get control of the non-profits. 
A.  Example:  the American Enterprise Institute, GOP think-tank, Executive Manager earned $530,000+ in salary last year,
B.  Non profits are now 'enterprising', selling goods and services at retail prices for income to fund their non profit programs, the portion of the revenues gets hidden inside the non profit structure and this is how the GOP manages to fund their PACS and stay hidden...
2. Create a free America
A. Using economic statistics and financial investment formulas, the government should give back to every US citizen, regardless of age or income, a sum equal to $1-3million, with mandatory minimum tax off the top (less than 1%, going to the states), and investment programs similar to the Savings bonds, using non profit agency / faith based/ other, mandatory counseling case managers, trustees for incompetence, etc.,
B.   The economy would spontaneously and overnight, become self-sustaining, new business nesses, home ownerships; education plans, discretionary spending, exporting, etc. 
C.  Eliminate the social programs.
D.  Federal government still receives tax revenues, but it forces them to cut out all subsidies and corporations to stand on their own.   Everyone pays tax.   Corporations pay taxes equal to the entity they claim rights to be.
d.  Takes the money away from the diversionary flight of capital out of the country via the pentagon contractors and rich tax cuts.
e.  Creates, for the first time, a free market consumer powered capitalism.  Take the power away from the energy and utility corps and create competition.   People have alternative and don’t have to buy the expensive gasoline.   Or expensive electricity.   They can invest in solar.  They can buy a moped.  They can buy new windows for their house.  They can fix their roof. They can tell their phone company to kiss off and they can buy wholesale from the telecom resellers for higher investment but lower monthly costs.
d.  Still rich and poor. But poor wont be starving to death. Poor wont be trapped in the vendor driven destitution.  Family units less stressed by value of and stigma of money, and class, and more focused on family and inner growth.

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