Thursday, March 16, 2006


It occurred to me, while reading the global press, listening to radio shows, watching the entertainment-pretending to be- news on network and cable TV,  reading web blogs and message boards, visiting chat rooms, that many things just were not making any sense to me.  

It seems, no matter where I go to find information about current events, I am led back to the History of the world.   Having to refresh my memory, or learn for the first time, who the players are  and how they got where they are today, is always an exercise in frustration for me.  

I like for things to make sense.   I get really crabby when I cannot make things fit into some logical order, be it by hard fitting physical science, or the familiar and predictable patterns of human behavior that have been nothing but repetitive, and if those fail, then by mythology and magical thinking.   Write a letter to Santa Claus.  

Well, I am really crabby these days.  Nothing was fitting.  

Why are Americans so quiet regarding the obvious breeches of trust from their elected leaders?

Why are Americans so quiet about the history of the nuclear testing around the globe, displacement of natural peoples, radiation experimentation, bioweapons creations and use against the American people, by the US leaders?

Why are Americans so quiet about the horror and atrocity being committed in our names? Around the globe and at home?

Why are Americans so quiet about the theft of the people’s money by our leaders?

Why are Americans so quiet about ‘statute of limitations’ when it comes to fighting for justice?

Why are Americans so quiet about the rising prices of natural gas, gasoline, heating oil, water?

Why are Americans so quiet about the wholesale purchase of the core of our Republic, our 2nd Branch, by foreign and domestic powers?

Why are Americans so ready to hand the keys to the bank vault, to the modern day Bonnie and Clyde, or George and Dick, in this case?  

Why are Americans so ready to kill and mame their fellow citizens, and others who have not perpetrated any offense against them, simply over ideologies?   Not even terrorists commit abuses until they have experienced first, the abuse.

Why have Americans so eagerly and with passion, clung to their status as indentured slaves, and then labeled it, “freedom”, or worse, “democracy”?

I have a list of questions that seem to be endless.  

And since answers seem to be as a lost commodity, I have decided to wrap this mess up into a package that I can digest;  although it quiets my crabbies, this package awakens my rage, and overwhelming awareness of powerlessness.  

Some people in America can accept the current official stories, because it serves their purpose to do so.  Of course Islamic Terrorists want to kill Americans because they are jealous of our freedom, for example.  The people who believe this, understand full well, what it feels like to hate, resent, fear, loathe, others just because they believe something about them….perceptions.  So, it stands reasonable to these people, that terrorist want to hurt the Americans, because these Americans want and do hurt others.  
It is Projection.   Abortion bombers, gay bashers, pedophiles, rapists, and others, have commonalities that involve control and power over others, in order to meet their personal needs.  

It makes sense for these people to latch on to the propaganda, “father knows best” thus honor thy President as thy abusive father,  and thus, when fathers says that Islamic terrorists are going to hurt Americans, only father can keep us safe.   Substitute the social worker for terrorists and you have the majority of the Bush supporters.

The economic and financial purposes, I believe are the easiest to spot, yet the hardest to accept.   Of course we want China to grow, but only if they are externally limiting by their welcome to our corporations who hire their citizens and keep their wages 40x lower than the wages of the Americans.   The consequence is, Americans out of work and manufacturing losses that rip caverns in our long-term economic power.

Loss of civil rights, growing oppressions, are nothing new for many Americans.  Just as with HIV, it only hit home after the Senator’s straight daughter dies from a tainted blood transfusion, or worse, from her “john” husband.  The working class, poor Americans have never been granted the opportunities nor the privileges nor the rights that only money can purchase.   So, to those who seem most bothered by the constraints, I say, welcome to America, the other side.

Missile Defense makes the world go round.  The US Pentagon money laundering machine, the base of the US economy, must have stoking fires of approval from the public.   The cold war must continue.

Americans are not expecting, not truly, the next Holocaust.   It makes for great headlines, however.   This is the convolution, of the propaganda, however.   It is real, It is happening, only, America has no beach called Normandy.  The world may never really know the truth about what happened to people of America, or the trail of victims the US government has left, around the world.

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